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restoring the state of our spaces.

eco - troop projects

The birth of Eco-troop projects emanated from the growing issue of littering within the Glenwood area and the broader city of Durban. The issue of littering has an enormous impact on    human health and the environment. The trend that we observed was that alack of action in cleaning up the area was contributing to the negligence and unsafety of area and compromising the amenity of not only residents in the area but businesses as well.

Instead of continuing to be frustrated we decided that we needed to be part of the change that we wanted to see and recognized that attitudes on littering need to change since there is a general lack of education and awareness on the harmful impacts of littering. We recognized that if we want a sustainable environment to live in, we must roll up our sleeves and take back our spaces, by bringing the community together to undertake holistic cleanup operations that not only focus on collecting litter but also refurbishing building façades through painting. This is what we hope will instill a sense of community pride and assist us to reclaim back the spaces that we live in, play in and work in.

About us

Founder & Director - Anita Mbekephi

Who are we?

The birth of Eco-troop projects emanated from the growing issue of littering within the Glenwood area and the broader city of Durban. The issue of littering has an enormous impact on    human health and the environment. The trend that we observed was that alack of action in cleaning up the area was contributing to the negligence and unsafety of area and compromising the amenity of not only residents in the area but businesses as well.

Instead of continuing to be frustrated we decided that we needed to be part of the change that we wanted to see and recognized that attitudes on littering need to change since there is a general lack of education and awareness on the harmful impacts of littering. We recognized that if we want a sustainable environment to live in, we must roll up our sleeves and take back our spaces, by bringing the community together to undertake holistic cleanup operations that not only focus on collecting litter but also refurbishing building façades through painting. This is what we hope will in still a sense of community pride and assist us to reclaim back the spaces that we live in, play in and work in.

Structure of the NPC

Eco-Troopers relies on the volunteers that support the cleanup operation and regeneration work. We believe in empowering our volunteers and sharing knowledge., rewarding outstanding members by making them members, thus empowering and developing their skills. In this way we hope that they will  have pride in their efforts and continue to excel. 


Eco-Troop Projects relies on the donations, fundraising and self funding by the directors.

The long-term strategy for the organisation is to fund our projects through recycling projects, which is a more sustainable strategy that is a at the heart of organisation. As this part of the organization expand, we hope that this can provide opportunities for unemployed youth and vulnerable groups such as the homeless.


Eco-Troop Projects has worked with the following stakeholders:

Recycling opportunities

Recycling has a massive impact in ensuring waste reducing, through the collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products.

Eco-troop Projects recognizes that recycling can benefit the  community by encouraging them to recycle and the environment.

Eco-troop Projects holds cleanup operations twice a month and has been encouraging this with the volunteers. The organisation sees great potential in this field and is in line with the underlying values of eco-troop projects, which is deeply engrained in sustainability. There are several other businesses in the area, that have been identified by the team where partnerships can be set up so that their businesses also improve on their sustainability goals, whole also contributing to the green economy.


Contact us

Anita Mbekephi

Founder & Director

Anita Mbekephi is a UKZN Media and Cultural Studies & French graduate,  from  a young age, Anita has always taken an interest in environmental care. She was the head of her Enviro Group in primary school and was also a member of the Interact Club (Outreach program) in high-school. It was in 2019 that, along with fellow Media studies classmate, that she mobilized her 1st clean up . This clean up took place at the Durban Harbour where she worked the Dept of Enviromental Care Affairs (Good Green Deeds).  Towards the end of 2019 Anita spent a year in France where she was once again inspired to do more for her Durban environment. Anita believes that teamwork does indeed make the dream work and encourages all communities to work as a collective towards cleaner and greener spaces.

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